Willful Misconduct means intentional disregard of good and prudent standards of performance or proper conduct under the Contract with knowledge that it is likely to result in any injury to any person or persons or loss or damage of property.

Law Insider

Willful Misconduct means any act or failure to act with an intentional disregard of any provision of this Agreement, which a party knew or should have known if it was acting as a reasonable person, which would result in injury, damage to life, personal safety, real property, harmful consequences to the other party, but shall not include any error of judgment or mistake made in good faith.

Law Insider

Dari kedua pengertian di atas, kita dapat simpulkan bahwa Willful Misconduct merupakan suatu pelanggaran yang disengaja dan secara sadar dilakukan oleh pelaku terhadap suatu perjanjian atau kontrak yang berakibat pada kerugian pada pihak lain.